

Friday, February 12, 2010

the world IS flat...

...thanks to air travel.

I'm so excited to go that I want to write again! haha.

new favorite chocolate: Pocket Coffee by Ferrero. SOOOOO good. Somebody wanna buy me a case of them on Amazon.com? I hear TJs has a comparable product, so I'll try those.

This time tomorrow I'll be in San Diego. I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet, I DO have to go to the store for my Mexi-friends (that rhymes with Mexi-cans :) )

I think I'll go down to the tide pools, hopefully it will be low tide. I might go to an art museum, or I might just sit outside and read and look at the ocean in the 70 degree weather :) :) :)

Maybe the smile-ies are overkill. I'm so excited I can't think straight. I was going to take all the kids gifts, but I think I'll stick with carry-on luggage. I haven't packed yet, so that may change. I am going to print off some old photos for them.

I'm NOT taking my computer. whoa. This'll be the first vacation in a while that I haven't had it with me. But this means planning things now. Printing some maps, charging iPod, etc.

other people will have computers in Mex. so I might be tempted to check ye old email and things. I've done all my classwork that was due next week, so that's not a problem.

Jill pointed out to me that I forgot to mention that when we ate our black soup we called it gruel and made jokes about standing in the bread line and ration stamps and communism. Then we wondered when and why English lost engendered nouns, since English derives from languages that do have engendered nouns. Then we asked each other what do normal people joke/talk about? It was v. amusing.

ok. shower. print photos. buy sudoku calender. bank. laundry detergent. GO.

P.S. The World is Flat is a little outdated, and he says "value added" a lot. He also explained how people use the internet on their phones, really? I had no idea. :)

P.P.S. I just worked ten days in a row. Now I have ten days off in a row. that sounds like a good trade off to me!

P.P.P.S. well, ten days in a row with two snow days in the mix. I was supposed to work ten days in a row. Does that count?

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