

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cold Sunday...

Normally I love dressing up and wouldn't enjoy wearing fatigues everyday. But for some reason at work I have become perpetually cold in my business-ey attire, AND dress shoes are not good for clopping through the mounds of snow in the parking lot. What I wouldn't give for a pair of those high laced military boots on especially slushy days. I don't think just wanting the clothes is a good enough reason to join the military though :)

Last night I visited a Spanish speaking church that I had been wanting to visit. There are maybe 3 or 4 of them within a few minutes of my house. For about half the service I was sorely disappointed b/c it was more of a bilingual church. We would sing in Spanish and then the same lyrics in English, and the songs weren't ones we sang in Mexico (as if every church sings the same songs. dur. what a silly expectation.) The preaching was done in Spanish and English with the pastor repeating himself in both languages. Then I realized... Maybe this helps bridge the gap between the Spanish speakers and the English speakers. Maybe they are learning each other's language this way. Maybe this ministers to those who live nearby but don't happen to speak Spanish. sigh. It was nice. I think I'll visit once a month or something.

It is a VERY beautiful day with the trees all white and picturesque.

ok. Happy Sunday!

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