

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I am writing you to catch you up on places I've been...

What a week!

My girls left to go to Tijuana on Tuesday and spent all week with Steve and Johanne (since they are stuck up there doing his radiation therapy- which he only has one more week of, yay!) All the kids that live with us got to go a few days each in different shifts, but it was nice to have the break right before.....


We leave tomorrow morning at 6 am
for a 12 hour drive South,
in a school bus
with approx. 25 adolescents!
(we will get back on Easter.)

It's going to be an adventure.

We are doing a couple days of team building, then will be going and helping put on a youth conference.
I'm really pumped, but not sure how good we are going to smell by the end of the week...
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
The first two night we are spending at the beach (where there are no showers), and then the rest we are sleeping on the floor of a church.
One of the guys commented that your ticket on the bus is showing your stick of deodorant ;)

so while my girls were gone, I...

went to a potluck.
went to a house build. (I hadn't seen one here before.)
watched movies in my bed.
read outside. (I suppose I could have done that with them here.)
cooked things I knew they wouldn't eat!
played mafia for my belated birthday.
went to a beach where there is a 40 foot hole in the rock where seals live.
did laundry. (booooring, I know, but necessary)
burnt the table while ironing.
went to bed without doing the dishes. (Y said, "we can't even leave you alone for a couple days, look what happens! haha.)

our internet/phone service has been slower/stinkier than usual, so sorry for lack of emails/calls.

I might try to catch up after I pack for our trip!


(oh, we got a driver and a bus and things!)

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