

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who I was...

It hasn't been ridiculously hot here like I've always imagined it to be. Maybe consistent 80s with no humidity and lots of wind/breeze. It is always very wet in the morning (recently) and sometimes foggy.

This is pretty sweet. Man Made islands shaped like the world.
(That was one of the reasons I had been thinking of going to the UAE.)

One of my girls, I always thought she walked slow. Turns out, she doesn't like to walk home from church WITH people. Why it took her 7 months to tell me, or rather, for me to listen, I don't know.

Today I was complaining about how the girls sometimes ask me questions they already know the answer to...like
"J is gone? She left?" or "Where were you?" I look at them like they are crazy for asking me a question they already know the answer to.
But I realized today that when I want to talk to someone, but I don't know how to start a conversation I say something we both already know, ALL THE TIME.

I've read twice in one week (two different sources) about how your job- "the way you think is closely connected to the job you do"- from Sophie's World, and also (loosely paraphrased) "your mind and habits become molded with your job and reflect it even when not at work". So maybe there is some/a lot of truth here.

I think figuring out who I am is pretty much impossible, but I definitely am learning who I was.

I don't know what I'm doing after I leave Mexico, but I'm trying to start thinking about that right now. I have ideas, they just need refinement and direction.

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