For some reason I had this preconception that at an orphanage all the kids have grown up there all their life. Not so much. Our kids are placed here after being in bad living situations, so there is a lot of emotional mending to do.
I've been having very vivid dreams recently. One of them included being in a plane that was crashing, and as we fell to the earth I could see through the cockpit, and the earth was so far away and beautiful, we were almost far enough away that we may have been in space. We landed without dying, but I decided never to fly again.
I also dreamt that I had auditioned for a rock band, and stopped working at the orphanage to go on tour with them. They wanted a girl with an american accent that could play the piano, they were british. They gave me a packet like 2 feet thick of music that I needed to learn in 2 days. At my first show with them all the kids came.
All my girls used one spray each of my perfume before the Christmas play on Wednesday. oh boy did our row stink with us all sitting together.
Apparently I live with duck killers. They were planning on waiting until Christmas, but we have lots of company for the holidays and they wanted to kill it before company came, because they thought if the guests saw them kill the duck they wouldn't want to eat it. After the boys killed it, one of the little girls wouldn't let them back in the house. She was so mad at them!
not only may I learn how to be domesticated, I might also learn how to take care of animals as they are raising other ducks and hens to eat.
I don't know how to drive a standard vehicle. The jeep/blazer thing that has been offered to me to borrow is definitely stick :( I guess I'll have to learn. (most people here have trucks.)
I finally ate my first "real" mexican food, besides what my girls have made me. We went to a live nativity program and afterwards went for tacos at Rollys? They were so good. They were made with thin steak meat. I love limes. I figured out how to say what I wanted to order after like 10 tries, but even J--- couldn't say it, and she's Mexican! Everyone here has been so gracious.
This is Ensenada's huge flag
My luxurious bedroom :)
Sorry if this looks jumbled. I've never used the picture thing on this.
Anyways, these are some of the pictures you all have been waiting for.
Hopefully, sometime this week I'll be able to send out a mass email with a link to more pictures. It took really long for these to upload to
The view if you are standing right outside one of my bedroom windows.
Our little house called "Las Manzanitas"
Sunset at the house...
I'll leave you with a photo of me and my girls (they were playing dressup)
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