

Monday, December 31, 2007

I'm a mom 5 days a week!

so I hear that our town is 45% American and 55% Mexicans. I think that’s really interesting.

Nochebuena (Christmas Eve/night- It means Good Night)…so we stayed up all night…because apparently, that’s what you do in Mexico. Baby Jesus is born sometime in the night, and so many households have feasts late at night. We ate at 11:30pm or so, and then opened presents until 4 in the morning (when you have upwards of 25 people opening gifts ONE AT A TIME, thats how long it takes). I was exhausted the next day, but it was worth it!

Somebody fixed our floor! Yay! The wood had swollen by the front door from all the rain, and so we had to push real hard to get in the house. I didn’t know someone had come by to fix it, so like normal I shoved my way in linebacker style and almost fell on the floor b/c it opened real easily!

Settlers of Catan has a knockoff, it’s settlers of Canaan. Same game, sorta. We got it for Christmas ☺

I was ironing J’s jacket for our special night, and I noticed the tag said, “Made in U.S.A.” interesting….

I’ve now seen kids running around w/o shoes on, when I’m cold enough to be wearing 4 or 5 layers and a scarf (that was at night). Or even running barefoot where there is broken glass and barbed wire. It really gets to you.

Al otro lado- literally “the other side” As I’ve heard a lot of conversations, whenever people say “otro lado” they mean the United States.

I finished Gilead last week and then typed up the quotes, and I finished Girl Meets God today, but there are some things I wanna look up from the book before I loan it to anyone.

I realized I don’t have any of the gospel choir songs on my computer that we sang in college ☹

This week has been harder with the girls, maybe the honeymoon is over, maybe it’s just been harder b/c we weren’t operating by a schedule and we have been around each other 24/7. You know how it is when you’re human.

I’ve discovered that I’m more Type A than I ever admit. But a flexible type A. maybe.

We had a group down here serving, and they brought FROSTED MINI WHEATS to eat. I was thrilled. While I ate them though, my girls just looked confused, like “who’d wanna eat that?” They stuck to their frosted cornflakes or “zucaritas” as they call them. Azucar being the word for sugar, so there is no confusion about the main ingredient. ;)

I had my first “chocoflan” yesterday at our princess dinner. (Which went REALLY well by the way. We showed them how precious and loved they are, and how glad we are that they are in our “family” for now.) It’s chocolate cake on bottom with flan as the top layer. SOOOO GOOD. The girls acted like ladies through the whole dinner, which is a new idea for them I think, but I have since realized that I may not be the best example for how to act. Especially when I caught myself talking with food in my mouth! Opps!
Several of the husbands served us, which we all got a kick out of, but the best was M’s reaction to having “waiters”. She would raise her hand and wiggle her fingers real lady like, to get the drink pourer’s attention, and then she would smile real big and point into her half empty glass. She would even point towards the ladies glasses next to her if it was necessary.

I bought some Kleenex at the closet grocery store the other day. I needed them, but after I started using them I noticed a strange thing. They smell like oil/gas or something! gross!

The last few places I've chosen to live (besides home) have all had great views of the mountains and fairly quick access to the ocean. (1 hr, 4 hrs, 15 min) I'm beginning to notice a pattern.

well, I don't have any New Years resolutions. Maybe be a better mom? ;) but I don't usually make resolutions.

I have realized how very unrealistic my life is right now. Mom 5 days a week, off 2. Moms in REAL life don't have a schedule like that. But at least I'm trying things out, right?

Happy New Year, may it be a year of new beginnings and forgiveness....

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