In my town…(cont'd)
You can hear peacocks at night. Calling. (Peacock in Spanish is “Royal Turkey” have I told you that before?) I live close to people who own a bunch of peacocks. Apparently, peacocks can fly. Anyways, we awoke one morning to find a kind of tragedy that happened.. I’ll spare you the details, and any photos, but suffice it to say one is dead now. One of the boys went and collected a bunch of the feathers out of the road and put them in a vase for his mom in our living room. It looks nice.
Oh, if you ever call, and leave a message, just assume I didn’t get it. Call again, or email me and let me know you called. Thanks!
I went in the kitchen late for dinner the other night, just to see that it had all already been eaten. I wasn’t too hungry anyways and so just went back to what I’d been doing. About ten minutes later, I found myself going back to the kitchen for some water or something, and here is one of the girls, V, making me eggs! It was really thoughtful, although unnecessary. :) It's so hard to say no to someone who has gone out of their way for you.
Some Mexican things I find myself eating.
Tamarindo. Tart, gooey, it is the fleshy part on the outside of the seeds, but inside the pod. I eat it straight up, but a lot of people buy suckers made out of it mixed with chile powder. GROSS!

Nopales-Looks like an ear of a cactus, we sometimes put it in salad, can’t tell you much more than that.

Jicama- looks a little like a potato. Tastes sweet? A little sweet, not very sweet. Maybe related to radishes, pears, apples? I chomp on it raw after it’s been diced. The kids eat it raw or put hot sauce on it, but they put hot sauce on everything.

Someone donated Spicy Thai Peanut sauce, like a restaurant size container (which is really the size of containers we need around here- We'll probably only get two or three uses out of it). SOOOOOO Good. I’ve had it twice in 2 days. (leftovers!) Some of the kids didn’t like it on their veggies and rice, but IT was amazing. God blesses us, knowing we can’t exactly go to a Thai restaurant around here. (It wasn't as spicy as I remember it in the states, but I think I'm getting used to eating spicy food.)
Yesterday I got to eat Ceviche. also REALLY good. and I think that's something I could easily prepare myself since there isn't "cooking" involved. Lime juice really does make everything better.
A couple of weeks ago my father and I were on the phone. He was telling me that if I needed anything now, or in the future all I have to do is ask. He was going on and on about how available he is and how I shouldn't even hesitate to ask. He was providing concrete examples of ways he could help me out when I interupted, "Would you send me an easter basket? I'd really like some Cadbury eggs." He immediately said, "I wasn't thinking of chocolate honey, something that would be HELPFUL. Something you really need and can't get in Mexico. Plus it would melt by the time it got to you. What could I get you that's non-perishable?"
I said then that he should forget about it, and that I'd let him know if I thought of anything, but that was all I really wanted.
Much to my surprise 5 days later, there was the biggest box filled with candy I have seen in my life.
Also, he told me I had to SHARE it :/
He sent a bunch of Resse's Easter Bunny Cups, and unfortunately ONLY ONE of my girls likes peanut butter ;) But I've certainly offered the Resse to my girls.
They also thought it looked gross how the Cadbury eggs have fake yoke inside them. I didn't bother to explain that it isn't real yoke. I wonder if that's why they haven't bugged me to try them ;) Although a couple of the girls tasted them and did like them. One outrightly said, "I'm not eating that!"
One of the girls remarked the only kind of chocolate eggs you can buy here are the ones that have little toys on the inside. I seem to recall reading an FDA warning about choking and seeing a recall for them in the US, but I suppose that's a perk for living in Mexico. (getting to eat chocolate with fun toys inside.) I told her they didn't have them in the US, but I didn't explain why. I'll have to write about safety stuff sometime.
It's my bed time. Sorry this is shoddy. I still have like 32490782304 things to write about. So don't worry, I'll write tomorrow!
edit: Monday at 5 pm. It's less shoddy now.
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