

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Such a balancing act...

so it's my day off.
my days on are fairly busy, or at least, I think so.
and I could be...
a. calling friends/relatives back home.
b. emailing friends/relatives back home.
c. building relationships with the people in whose community I live.

This has been a tough problem for me, honestly.

I want so much to be involved in all your lives, and I want to stay updated on things, and I want to write really good reply emails to the people I care about... (Aunt Fran! I swear I haven't forgotten, even though it's been a month!!!)
But I also don't want to live like a recluse here, all cozy with my computer.

I desire balance in this area of my life, and I'm not sure how to get it.


It's so much easier sometimes to just write about the things that are important to me, that I want to remember, and that I want that you all know.

so here we go again.

My Uncle Nobert died. I had to send electronic condolences. That was super awkward for me, but I did it. He would have been 80 next month, and had been fighting cancer. Really, it was the radiation or chemo that did him in. It makes me appreciate having my brother around still, knowing my mom has lost one of hers. I'm glad he's not in pain anymore, and I hope our family can find peace in this.

I'm much better at comforting after a bad dream than pulling a splinter out. I'm partially guilty b/c I heard the boys telling her about this scary man that attacks kids in the middle of the night, and I didn't stop them to tell her it was a lie. and I went a step further and I contributed and said that he has long fingernails b/c he doesn't have a mother to remind him to cut them. oops!

My deaf girl, C, was really funny. V had the bad dream, and C was helping me console her. C doesn't speak English, and I was consoling V in English, and C just kept nodding her head, agreeing with everything I was saying. (even if she understood English, I was talking too fast for her to comprehend it.)

I have like 45908340 more things to write about, but I need to head out. I'm going on a bike ride today! We're gonna bike towards the beach, and then back into town, and gonna visit the Catholic church in town. Maybe I'll do a little prayer service of my own, as that would have been where I was had I been in Ohio.

I also have some cute pics to put up. (of my kids)

Yes, Amber, I did get your box, and it was amazing.
and Kelley (not that you read this, maybe sometimes) I got your box too and it was also amazing.

(and I won Settlers of Catan last night, and it was amazing :) but I drank coffee at 9 at night, and then couldn't fall asleep until midnight, stupid mistake.)

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