

Monday, April 21, 2008

Chips/Bike Ride/Tios/Photos

Another food thing I forgot.
When my girls buy bags of chips, you can pay to add hot sauce to the bag.
You purchase the bag, the store owner opens it, puts in salsa, then you probably suck the chips out of the bag. It’s a very fine art, tricky to do without getting red liquid all over yourself.
(I’ve included a picture of this on my facebook)

Right now we are having a spider/insect invasion (not including flies). I’m holding up well, considering I used to not kill insects. Now I kill them quite a few times a day without feeling horribly guilty. I’m okay with it because I know if I let them live they will reproduce exponentially. Plus it takes a lot more time to capture them safely and walk them outside then to just smash their little exoskeletons. I don’t really know what else to do.

On Saturday, I went on a bike ride. At one point there was some barbed wire in the road. Danielle said, “Don’t hit that.” And I said, “yeah, that’s some bad barbed wire.” And she was all “no, the insect.” I made some stupid remark about how she’s a hippie, animal loving, Coloradoan (which I mispronounced) before she told me that if I smashed it, it would reek.

I was very happy for that incident, as I saw the exact same bug in my house yesterday. I thought about smashing it, but then realized I didn’t want my house to smell. So it became the first bug I saved in 5 months.

These spiders are the slowest moving spiders I have ever seen. I’ve never seen them walking. They are always just standing still, out in the open, on a wall, on the floor. Even when provoked, the ones I’ve bugged only move far enough away that you aren’t touching them (1 mm?) Maybe they are just lazy spiders. I looked in every spider taxonomy I could find, but still don’t know what kind they are.

Being in Mexico has made me do crazy things. One of those things was going on the bike ride. Danielle made it sound so fun and easy. “We’ll just ride to Gaston’s (a restaurant on the beach), then ride into town and visit the cathedral, then ride home.” The company was good enough, but trying to bike on roads that have a lot of sand isn’t fun. It was a lot of work! And usually when we go to these places, we are in cars, so I miscalculated how far away we were heading in our adventure. I told her that I didn’t want to eat at Gaston’s, but 40 minutes later, I’d certainly changed my mind. When we got there, our server saw us, and he even put our bikes out of the way for us! We probably spent 2 hours there, and I needed it for sure! Then we biked into town, this was considerably easier, as we were on damp dirt roads that were fairly well compacted. We got to the cathedral, and even though the sign said it was open, it wasn’t. What good is a church that isn’t open! So we talked about Psalm 148, and I prayed for my family as they had been at mass that day for Uncle Norbert, and then we moved on.

The part of the ride home was exhilarating. It was the easy, breezy, part I’d imagined. We went a different way home, and part of it was down a little hill. I honestly got a little scared of how fast I was going, but was pleased b/c I thought I might stay that fast until I arrived home. I had a basket on the front end of my bike (with my bag and sweater in it), but we had experienced a lot of bumps during the ride and it had come loose. As soon as my bike had broken into break neck speed it started making a rubbing sound. At first I thought it was a flat tire. Then I quickly realized the basket had become unattached. Before I could do anything about it, everything was flung forward and I rode directly over it’s contents with both tires. Two artificial speed bumps, that I couldn't have missed if I would have wanted to. I stopped as quickly as I could; 30 feet forward of where everything had fallen out, and surveyed the damage. Nothing broken (cell phone, camera, books, etc.) but my bag was full of dirt. I was surprised that I hadn’t crashed because of it.

Overall we probably biked for 1.5 hours, maybe more.

Monday night, and my whole body is still sore, but I think I would do it again. I at least want to go down that hill and see how long I can keep the velocity. ☺

One of my girls, she came here on her own choice, well, her aunt and uncle have started the legal process to get her back. It might be as soon as July. We don’t know if they are good people, Children’s Services doesn’t see anything wrong with them, but she doesn’t want to go back. They seem ok. I’m not sure what is the best for her, but you can keep the situation in prayer. They were supposed to visit us on Sunday, but didn’t show up, and she was hurt. She is vacillating between being dramatic about not going back, or being resigned to allowing it to happen.

Anyways. I’ve spent enough time writing tonite. If you wanna see some cute pictures, like V trying to pick which glasses, or some from the quinceanera, or even, of our bike ride (where I show my dexterity by taking a photo WHILE peddling.-I wish I had video of that!), or of the type of spider that has been bothering us, or of my packages that mysteriously got mud on them before they were delivered, or of the girls sucking the chips out of their bags, just go here.

Recent Photos

Have a loco lunes. ☺

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