

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I hope you take a piece of me with you...

so I was without a computer for 2 weeks. whew! that was tough.

I've discovered I still fight with tuna cans everytime I open them.
When I was in the states, I almost always broke the "easy open" cans and then had to use a can opener.
I finally ate tuna last week (the first time since being here), and it took a can opener, a sharp knife, a fork, and various other methods to get it open.

So my parents and Julia have visited and left, and life is sorta back to normal, if there is a normal.

My birthday was nice.

I need to update ya'll on Steve.
He just completed his first week of radiation therapy.
He has 4 more to do.
So far he hasn't had any bad side effects.
They are staying in Tijuana to do it (5 hours away), so there are less adults here, but it's working out.
God really blessed us to have extra help these few months even before we knew about his cancer.
Steve and Johanne are coming home on the weekends to see the kids and things.

I think I'll have hot water starting tonite or tomorrow morning. It's probably been 2 weeks since we've had hot water in my house. (We just shower at the house next door.) It seemed like all the little things that could go wrong with the water did go wrong. (In my helpfulness I ruined the filament in the hot water heater.) It was kinda bad timing with my parents being here, but it worked out.

Our youth group is planning a trip to a conference in March.
We'll be driving 12 hours south (Loreto) of where we live, listening to some preaching, doing some service projects, and even preparing our own presentations for local teenagers that don't know God.
I've never really been a youth leader before, but I think it'll go well.
Churches from all over the baja are invited.
We're still trying to figure out transportation and some other details, so please be praying for us!
It sounds like we'll be camping the whole week, smelly????? ;)
(My girls will need the gov'ts permission to go since it's in another state, and I will need special permission as well. I hear it'll be easy to go mine, but we aren't quite sure about my girls permission.)

Here are some pictures...

I've got to get going for now, but I'm going to try to reply to emails later today!!!!

(oh, and we bought a skirt for $2, and Taboo (the game) for $1.50 at the globos. My girls told me they probably upped the prices since I'm not Mexican. If that's what they call overpriced, then they can overprice me anytime!)

and I want to go here the next time I'm in California...


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