

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I need the smell of summer...

I can’t wait until it’s warm enough outside at night for me to just lay on the ground and gaze at the stars. (and listen to podcasts, or music. I’ve been listening to “The Trumpet Child” and I’m reminded of lazy summer nights laying on my porch listening to the cicadas over the music)

Did you know peacocks can fly? They are often on the second story of our ministry building b/c the neighbors have peacocks. Everytime I see them up there I don’t have my camera : (

Peacocks are “royal turkeys” in Spanish.

The other day I drank some delicious Pineapple Grapefruit Twinnings tea that I’d added orange juice to while the girls and I did school. The vapor escaping from it seemed fuzzy. Like brand new baby hair fuzzy. The flavors beckoned me into a maze of familiar memories of Columbus, soy beans, and Julia. I think the girls noticed.
“She’s on the moon.”

I finally had my second Spanish dream. At least it’s only the second time I’ve remembered dreaming in Spanish.

The Way of the Heart by Nouwen is a good book.

I totally scored a DDR pad for $5 at the globos last week.
I’m taking it to the Taylor’s since they have DDR and I don’t.
I hope it works!
(globos=centralized garage sell of different items)

We had a mixed berry juice the other day, and it had a picture of cranberries on it, but the girls thought they were tomatoes. hehe.

Instead of watching the superbowl, I'm going to go learn how to make tortillas.
Is the superbowl on the internet even?

I see my parents in 10 days. I see Julia in 12 days. My birthday is in 18 days.

YOU really should come visit.

1 comment:

Schmanda said...

how did your tortillas turn out? they can be difficult to get thin enough sometimes the first time around, but it gets easier!