We have a group here visiting with our family, so life this week will be a little interesting.
It's means adding 25 people to each meal we eat in our house. We already have 20ish people that live here!
I hid out most of Saturday, knowing that I'd be spending the week with people.
(They are really nice.)
There are many benefits to them being here.
One of them being is that they are working on 2 different construction projects and my girls wanted to go help.
So I'm home alone this morning!
It'll be a couple hours to write, maybe even work on a mass email, we'll see.
This weekend Sam graduated, and that was really hard. It was like I was experiencing Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder. Her graduation (and subsequent leaving of her family to go live with grandparents in Canada) reminded me of leaving my family, so I was a little upset.
Afterwards, we went to a fair in our region. It was a ton of fun! Don't worry, we only went on the safe roller-coasters!
It was the first time I've had an authentic context to use the word "montaƱa rusa"(roller-coaster) in like 12 years.
One of the booths was a shooting game that squirted water at you.
I will put up a couple pictures on my facebook.
While we were at the fair we saw a fair number of "gringos," there were three in particular we stopped to talk to. It turns out, they are part of a missions agency that works with WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Baptist Church (crazy!!) So they probably have met some of my parents friends, (and my own) friends over the years. The guy I was talking to said "You make Ohio sound like a small village." I chuckled at that one.
Saturday I tried playing Settlers of Catan with an expansion set that had knights and things. I definitely prefer playing the simple version.
I've been really impressed by the girls helpful attitudes recently. and their "you should go out, have fun, leave us tonite! you haven't had fun yet today. really, we'll be good. just ask Mom to watch us." It's cute.
(I said, "Do you think reading is fun?" and she said, "Yes", then I said, "we'll then I've had lots of fun today!", "you have to do more than read to have fun." she replied.)
Have a wonderful Monday :)

Monday, June 30, 2008
"I want to live..."
where soul meets body....and feel what its like to be new...But I know our filthy hands can wash one another’s
And not one speck will remain"
I was going to write a commentary on those lyrics, but I'll just spare you. If you like Death Cab for Cutie, you should check out the Sound Opinions podcast, they had a little interview/performance thing a few weeks ago.
nothing interesting to report. (yeah right.)
Except that C just got done telling me all of her friends birthdays. Most of these friends I have never met, so I may not remember them.
Three of my kids graduated 6th grade last week.
I went to one of the ceremonies, where we saw 7 dance numbers, as well as other things.
One of the honored guests showed up 50 minutes late (this is Mexico), two of the dance numbers were postponed, (one so the kids could change outfits, another b/c 2 of the dancers weren't there yet).
It was a big deal, let me tell you what.
Y (or J as I sometimes accidentally say) had invited her relatives to her ceremony, but they didn't come. She called them, they argued on the phone, and I continue to wonder whether they will really take her all the way back home with them. Now the date she is supposed to leave is July 3rd.
We sang the Mexican nat'l anthem at the graduation, and I only remembered a few of the lyrics from last year when I'd learned it. sadness!!
and L- cuddled with me a little on the couch the other night. He fell asleep next to me as us adults were visiting and grabbed my arm in his sleep. His left leg was kicking involuntarily, he had to have been dreaming something. He reminds me a lot of my brother when he was little. I was nice and let him have as much jello as he wanted from my fridge. I think he ate like 3 cups.
We had a girl here for a couple days this week. She's been placed back with her relatives though. I didn't want her here, b/c I didn't think she would like it. (Although I didn't have the power to decide whether she stayed or went.) The kids we have *right now* are from big orphanages, or poorer families, and thus in living with us are getting a step up. She spent the last 10 years in the states in a middle class family, has her own 8 GB iPod, designer jeans, etc. She has friends in the area who are boys and drive cars, and I was worried that had the potential to be a problem. I prayed very selfishly, and God answered, but then I felt bad about it. Even though she has all those "things," she probably isn't being taught how to love herself and others, nor is she being introduced to God's love for her.
I've been struggling with "being" the church instead of "attending" church this week. Steve has been working on getting a second orphanage house built, or at least prepped b/c we have a group that came yesterday that plan on helping him on it, and are financing it. I've only helped 2 of the days that he's been out there this week, and one of those days I went rather begrudgingly. To compound things, the girls were preparing a big grad party for one of the high schoolers who lives down here that left this weekend to start a job and college in the fall, and while I had intended to help out, I got stuck at Children's Services for 4 hours. After I got home, I had 45 minutes I could have helped, but instead, chose to shower and put on makeup. They didn't seem to mind, but I think I'm going to need a lot of grace to combat my selfishness. (in counter argument, I stayed in my home this morning and accomodated/visited with some men that were remudding part of my ceiling. that was a step in the right direction.) I know that I can't earn God's love, and that my main goal should be communion with him, through behaving in the way he created us, then I'll experience his love. I also realize I need to listen more to others, but it's sooooo hard.
"Now all the demons look like prophets
And I'm living out
Every word they speak" -Jars of Clay
-I need to be careful to live without condemnation in these issues, I have the victory through Christ. When people speak untruth into your life, don't buy into it, eh?
I've really enjoyed reading "Ragamuffin Gospel" but we'll see if I can live it out. It's one thing to understand an idea, it's another to chose to live it out.
(*Prayer request, another Steve in our ministry is having some medical appointments regarding his heart, and it's not looking promising. He's been having chest pains, but I'll know more on Monday or Tuesday.)
so I'll finish this post with a nice story.
One of my girls, M, absolutely LOVES to play the tambourine during church. She just picks it up sometimes and plays, and sometimes she doesn't. Anyways, she was totally off beat the other night, and one of the young men went back there all stealthily and showed her where the beat was. It was super nice of him.
I have more to write tomorrow. really. can you believe it?
And not one speck will remain"
I was going to write a commentary on those lyrics, but I'll just spare you. If you like Death Cab for Cutie, you should check out the Sound Opinions podcast, they had a little interview/performance thing a few weeks ago.
nothing interesting to report. (yeah right.)
Except that C just got done telling me all of her friends birthdays. Most of these friends I have never met, so I may not remember them.
Three of my kids graduated 6th grade last week.
I went to one of the ceremonies, where we saw 7 dance numbers, as well as other things.
One of the honored guests showed up 50 minutes late (this is Mexico), two of the dance numbers were postponed, (one so the kids could change outfits, another b/c 2 of the dancers weren't there yet).
It was a big deal, let me tell you what.
Y (or J as I sometimes accidentally say) had invited her relatives to her ceremony, but they didn't come. She called them, they argued on the phone, and I continue to wonder whether they will really take her all the way back home with them. Now the date she is supposed to leave is July 3rd.
We sang the Mexican nat'l anthem at the graduation, and I only remembered a few of the lyrics from last year when I'd learned it. sadness!!
and L- cuddled with me a little on the couch the other night. He fell asleep next to me as us adults were visiting and grabbed my arm in his sleep. His left leg was kicking involuntarily, he had to have been dreaming something. He reminds me a lot of my brother when he was little. I was nice and let him have as much jello as he wanted from my fridge. I think he ate like 3 cups.
We had a girl here for a couple days this week. She's been placed back with her relatives though. I didn't want her here, b/c I didn't think she would like it. (Although I didn't have the power to decide whether she stayed or went.) The kids we have *right now* are from big orphanages, or poorer families, and thus in living with us are getting a step up. She spent the last 10 years in the states in a middle class family, has her own 8 GB iPod, designer jeans, etc. She has friends in the area who are boys and drive cars, and I was worried that had the potential to be a problem. I prayed very selfishly, and God answered, but then I felt bad about it. Even though she has all those "things," she probably isn't being taught how to love herself and others, nor is she being introduced to God's love for her.
I've been struggling with "being" the church instead of "attending" church this week. Steve has been working on getting a second orphanage house built, or at least prepped b/c we have a group that came yesterday that plan on helping him on it, and are financing it. I've only helped 2 of the days that he's been out there this week, and one of those days I went rather begrudgingly. To compound things, the girls were preparing a big grad party for one of the high schoolers who lives down here that left this weekend to start a job and college in the fall, and while I had intended to help out, I got stuck at Children's Services for 4 hours. After I got home, I had 45 minutes I could have helped, but instead, chose to shower and put on makeup. They didn't seem to mind, but I think I'm going to need a lot of grace to combat my selfishness. (in counter argument, I stayed in my home this morning and accomodated/visited with some men that were remudding part of my ceiling. that was a step in the right direction.) I know that I can't earn God's love, and that my main goal should be communion with him, through behaving in the way he created us, then I'll experience his love. I also realize I need to listen more to others, but it's sooooo hard.
"Now all the demons look like prophets
And I'm living out
Every word they speak" -Jars of Clay
-I need to be careful to live without condemnation in these issues, I have the victory through Christ. When people speak untruth into your life, don't buy into it, eh?
I've really enjoyed reading "Ragamuffin Gospel" but we'll see if I can live it out. It's one thing to understand an idea, it's another to chose to live it out.
(*Prayer request, another Steve in our ministry is having some medical appointments regarding his heart, and it's not looking promising. He's been having chest pains, but I'll know more on Monday or Tuesday.)
so I'll finish this post with a nice story.
One of my girls, M, absolutely LOVES to play the tambourine during church. She just picks it up sometimes and plays, and sometimes she doesn't. Anyways, she was totally off beat the other night, and one of the young men went back there all stealthily and showed her where the beat was. It was super nice of him.
I have more to write tomorrow. really. can you believe it?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I know, I know...
me writing three times in two days, insufferable.
My deaf girl was reading her class list to me today, after 6 months, I finally know who "ray-chi-ga" is. It's Eric.
Also, Luche really means Luz.
In Mexico, or at least with my girls and the people I interact with, every sickness is "gripe" or the flu. Then after they tell you they have the flu, you have to ask which symptoms, then you REALLY know what they have.
I made scrambled eggs for the girls the other day. Apparently I need to add scrambled eggs to the things I don't know how to cook, or rather, that I don't know how to cook in a Mexican style. They told me my lessons would start on Monday, they must've forgotten :)
Rice here, they fry it while it's dry, then steam it. Also a thing I need to learn how to make. Apparently, it's impossible to overcook it that way.
So my girls each learned dances for the graduations, two of them learned a waltz, and they showed me, but then I said "that doesn't look like a waltz to me!" Luckily, I only said it to an adult, not to the girls. Later, I found out the girls had made up the dance themselves!! Pretty good for something they had figured out themselves.
Yesterday I took one of my girls to the doctors, and it ended up being $38 for a shot, appt, pills, soap, and lotion. Pretty good.
Today we went to the globos and I bought prescription sunglasses that are almost my strength for the expensive price of.... $1. :) totally worth it. If only I enjoyed picking through piles of used things, I'm sure I could always have anything I need.
My deaf girl was reading her class list to me today, after 6 months, I finally know who "ray-chi-ga" is. It's Eric.
Also, Luche really means Luz.
In Mexico, or at least with my girls and the people I interact with, every sickness is "gripe" or the flu. Then after they tell you they have the flu, you have to ask which symptoms, then you REALLY know what they have.
I made scrambled eggs for the girls the other day. Apparently I need to add scrambled eggs to the things I don't know how to cook, or rather, that I don't know how to cook in a Mexican style. They told me my lessons would start on Monday, they must've forgotten :)
Rice here, they fry it while it's dry, then steam it. Also a thing I need to learn how to make. Apparently, it's impossible to overcook it that way.
So my girls each learned dances for the graduations, two of them learned a waltz, and they showed me, but then I said "that doesn't look like a waltz to me!" Luckily, I only said it to an adult, not to the girls. Later, I found out the girls had made up the dance themselves!! Pretty good for something they had figured out themselves.
Yesterday I took one of my girls to the doctors, and it ended up being $38 for a shot, appt, pills, soap, and lotion. Pretty good.
Today we went to the globos and I bought prescription sunglasses that are almost my strength for the expensive price of.... $1. :) totally worth it. If only I enjoyed picking through piles of used things, I'm sure I could always have anything I need.
she wrote again!
My Uncle passed away last night about 50 minutes before I posted. I suppose I run late in everything I do. I'm not sure if his family is relieved or sorrowful or both. I suspect they've already gone through a lot of the grieving since this was a long slow process.
Yesterday we worked on digging out a foundation for a new home for children. Not like I'd get a new home :) But we could receive more children from Children's Services with another home. We just need houseparents for it! We have a group coming next week that has supplied money specifically for this project, and will also be supplying the labor to get it started. I think they might put an overhang on my house and fix some of the water damage we had during the winter! I'm so excited. I thought it was fun to work on the foundation, b/c people return and always tell my girls "I worked on your bedroom! I made your walls!" and now my girls will be able to tell the new children that come "I worked on your house! I made it sturdy!" They are repaying what they've been given.
Last week one of my girl's had a question in her school book. "What things contaminate the Earth?" She was all like, what? I thought maybe she didn't understand the word contaminate, so I said, poison the Earth? dirty the Earth? and she still had no idea. 15 and no idea about pollution. Some things I really take for granted, but I suppose people learn about pollution in the media (TV, News) and in school, and she had little of the first and none of the second. I got to tell her all about the ozone layer and everything else. The girls helped too!
One of the older girls hosted a sexual purity tea for the younger girls. I've had conversations with the girls about my own dating background as they were curious (as girls are!). This conversation was the result.
V: You know that man you were in love with.
Me: um, yeah. (I never had told her I was in love with anyone, just for the record.)
V: You're still in love with him.
Me: How do you know?
V: He has a piece of you, and you have a piece of him.
Me: really?
V: (Listing it off with her fingers) If you touch a boy, if you hold hands, if you kiss him, those things (*Her eyes were wide with judgement, or sensationalism, I don't know which), You get pegged together (spanglish for stuck together, peg=pegamiento=glue) and part of you sticks to him, and part of him sticks to you FOREVER!
Me: Thank you for telling me that, you're so helpful!
In Spanish, it's fairly acceptable to call someone "negrito" (little black one) cue funny story. (maybe)
One of my girls M, was hanging out with some americans visiting and volunteering and they gave her a "I <3 NY" shirt.
I asked about it and she said (in spanish though) "One of the negritos gave me this" (in the context that she didn't know his name)
She speaks pretty good English, but has never been formally taught, so I took the chance to say, "It's ok that you said "negrito" in our house, but you might not want to call him that to his face, because a lot of people in America don't talk that way"
So she said, "what do I say?"
"Americano Africano"
She replied very confused, "but he's not from Africa."
I suppose political correctness escapes us as we are a poor homogeneous group.
ok, off to deal with a couple attitude problems! :)
Yesterday we worked on digging out a foundation for a new home for children. Not like I'd get a new home :) But we could receive more children from Children's Services with another home. We just need houseparents for it! We have a group coming next week that has supplied money specifically for this project, and will also be supplying the labor to get it started. I think they might put an overhang on my house and fix some of the water damage we had during the winter! I'm so excited. I thought it was fun to work on the foundation, b/c people return and always tell my girls "I worked on your bedroom! I made your walls!" and now my girls will be able to tell the new children that come "I worked on your house! I made it sturdy!" They are repaying what they've been given.
Last week one of my girl's had a question in her school book. "What things contaminate the Earth?" She was all like, what? I thought maybe she didn't understand the word contaminate, so I said, poison the Earth? dirty the Earth? and she still had no idea. 15 and no idea about pollution. Some things I really take for granted, but I suppose people learn about pollution in the media (TV, News) and in school, and she had little of the first and none of the second. I got to tell her all about the ozone layer and everything else. The girls helped too!
One of the older girls hosted a sexual purity tea for the younger girls. I've had conversations with the girls about my own dating background as they were curious (as girls are!). This conversation was the result.
V: You know that man you were in love with.
Me: um, yeah. (I never had told her I was in love with anyone, just for the record.)
V: You're still in love with him.
Me: How do you know?
V: He has a piece of you, and you have a piece of him.
Me: really?
V: (Listing it off with her fingers) If you touch a boy, if you hold hands, if you kiss him, those things (*Her eyes were wide with judgement, or sensationalism, I don't know which), You get pegged together (spanglish for stuck together, peg=pegamiento=glue) and part of you sticks to him, and part of him sticks to you FOREVER!
Me: Thank you for telling me that, you're so helpful!
In Spanish, it's fairly acceptable to call someone "negrito" (little black one) cue funny story. (maybe)
One of my girls M, was hanging out with some americans visiting and volunteering and they gave her a "I <3 NY" shirt.
I asked about it and she said (in spanish though) "One of the negritos gave me this" (in the context that she didn't know his name)
She speaks pretty good English, but has never been formally taught, so I took the chance to say, "It's ok that you said "negrito" in our house, but you might not want to call him that to his face, because a lot of people in America don't talk that way"
So she said, "what do I say?"
"Americano Africano"
She replied very confused, "but he's not from Africa."
I suppose political correctness escapes us as we are a poor homogeneous group.
ok, off to deal with a couple attitude problems! :)
makin' it quick
I've just cleared out the chaos that was my room.
I had printed a lot of photos while I was home at Wal-Mart, and one of the girls asked to see them.
I had planned to distribute them fairly, put them in a large frame in our house, etc.
But it turned into photos all OVER the floor, with multiple people saying "can I have this one, I want this one" all at once.
Not exactly how I imagined things happening, but they rarely do with this bunch.
In the end we had a chat about body image and loving ourselves, which was good.
(they love hanging out in my room, I wish I understood!)
I bought a book recently (Letters to My Son by Kent Nerburn) and when I opened it up there was a dedication to a "son" from his loving "mother." If only she knew what he did with the book she had so lovingly written in. tsk. tsk.
Here, if you wanna be the coolest kid on the block, you tint your windows (which they are in the process of unlegalizing), change your rims, and play very loud hip hop music. Did I say hip hop music???? I meant Mariachi music. dur. I live in Mexico.
The US did something to the Diesel here, or so I hear. At every gas station there seem to be semis waiting for gas. This past week was the worst from what I can tell, it's a shortage. But the gas I buy is at 2.80 a gallon, which is really fabulous.
When I walk in the room and the girls are talking about something they don't want me to hear they say "hallelujah" or start singing a random song. It's SOOO obvious. but SOOOO cute.
We got a new girl today, apparently, she's only supposed to be here a week. But that's what they say for every child they drop off. Wednesday, two of my girls graduate 6th grade (one of them being J), and it was my understanding that J was going back to her family, but maybe not now. Except that we accepted this new girl thinking we might put her in J's spot when she leaves "Wednesday." It's going to take some rearranging, but it'll work out. I don't care if J stays or if she goes. I think it would be better for her if she stays, but I also don't want her to be living in limbo, always thinking she might be taken away from us any day. I'm kind of stressed out about it. Anyways, pray that something happens one way or the other, and that if she goes home that she can handle it and can avoid doing things she shouldn't. (I think she's broken out in hives at the thought of going home, but I can't be for sure that that is the cause)
The girls broke my door while I was away on my two days off. Someone else was taking care of them, and they asked to go in my room and she said no and left the house (she was in the yard or laundry, but still close by) so they tried to break in with screw drivers and such. The funniest part of all of this is that they only got my door stuck, not open. But when I came home and wanted to go to bed, I couldn't. Even with my keys I couldn't open my door as it was jammed good. It took Steve like 1.75 hours to open my door, and now it doesn't lock. I mostly trust them,( they were trying to break in to get suckers I was keeping for them in my closet so they don't eat them in the middle of the night and sound like rats- see an earlier post that really did happen), but am trying not to be annoyed as one of my girls took it upon herself to go in my room and tidy it up today. She closed my windows, put my shoes and trash bag under my bed(gross! I had it by the door to remind myself to put it in the trash trailer, she said she put it under my bed b/c it smelled, last time I checked I don't want smelly things under my bed), and put away my clothes out of my laundry basket. Nothing is missing, but I was really upset with her. I know she was honestly trying to be helpful, and that's why I had to restrain myself and let it go. But I asked her to not do it again...
I am trying to keep my room extra clean as it was invaded by ants. I've sprayed them and taken the goodies out, but they still wonder in, one or two at a time and BITE me. It doesn't feel good.
The weather here is great right now. Not to hot, not to cold, but fairly foggy.
I got the chance to go to California last weekend, and on our way there, there was so much fog it seemed like we were driving above the clouds at some points, and that some of the land were mountains in the sky. AMAZING! If capturing it with photography would have done it justice I would have.
It's ridiculously late, and I keep saying I'm going to go to bed early. ha! fat chance.
Love you all, really, I do.
(oh, and my mom has eye lid surgery tomorrow, and my Uncle Jim isn't doing so well.)
I had printed a lot of photos while I was home at Wal-Mart, and one of the girls asked to see them.
I had planned to distribute them fairly, put them in a large frame in our house, etc.
But it turned into photos all OVER the floor, with multiple people saying "can I have this one, I want this one" all at once.
Not exactly how I imagined things happening, but they rarely do with this bunch.
In the end we had a chat about body image and loving ourselves, which was good.
(they love hanging out in my room, I wish I understood!)
I bought a book recently (Letters to My Son by Kent Nerburn) and when I opened it up there was a dedication to a "son" from his loving "mother." If only she knew what he did with the book she had so lovingly written in. tsk. tsk.
Here, if you wanna be the coolest kid on the block, you tint your windows (which they are in the process of unlegalizing), change your rims, and play very loud hip hop music. Did I say hip hop music???? I meant Mariachi music. dur. I live in Mexico.
The US did something to the Diesel here, or so I hear. At every gas station there seem to be semis waiting for gas. This past week was the worst from what I can tell, it's a shortage. But the gas I buy is at 2.80 a gallon, which is really fabulous.
When I walk in the room and the girls are talking about something they don't want me to hear they say "hallelujah" or start singing a random song. It's SOOO obvious. but SOOOO cute.
We got a new girl today, apparently, she's only supposed to be here a week. But that's what they say for every child they drop off. Wednesday, two of my girls graduate 6th grade (one of them being J), and it was my understanding that J was going back to her family, but maybe not now. Except that we accepted this new girl thinking we might put her in J's spot when she leaves "Wednesday." It's going to take some rearranging, but it'll work out. I don't care if J stays or if she goes. I think it would be better for her if she stays, but I also don't want her to be living in limbo, always thinking she might be taken away from us any day. I'm kind of stressed out about it. Anyways, pray that something happens one way or the other, and that if she goes home that she can handle it and can avoid doing things she shouldn't. (I think she's broken out in hives at the thought of going home, but I can't be for sure that that is the cause)
The girls broke my door while I was away on my two days off. Someone else was taking care of them, and they asked to go in my room and she said no and left the house (she was in the yard or laundry, but still close by) so they tried to break in with screw drivers and such. The funniest part of all of this is that they only got my door stuck, not open. But when I came home and wanted to go to bed, I couldn't. Even with my keys I couldn't open my door as it was jammed good. It took Steve like 1.75 hours to open my door, and now it doesn't lock. I mostly trust them,( they were trying to break in to get suckers I was keeping for them in my closet so they don't eat them in the middle of the night and sound like rats- see an earlier post that really did happen), but am trying not to be annoyed as one of my girls took it upon herself to go in my room and tidy it up today. She closed my windows, put my shoes and trash bag under my bed(gross! I had it by the door to remind myself to put it in the trash trailer, she said she put it under my bed b/c it smelled, last time I checked I don't want smelly things under my bed), and put away my clothes out of my laundry basket. Nothing is missing, but I was really upset with her. I know she was honestly trying to be helpful, and that's why I had to restrain myself and let it go. But I asked her to not do it again...
I am trying to keep my room extra clean as it was invaded by ants. I've sprayed them and taken the goodies out, but they still wonder in, one or two at a time and BITE me. It doesn't feel good.
The weather here is great right now. Not to hot, not to cold, but fairly foggy.
I got the chance to go to California last weekend, and on our way there, there was so much fog it seemed like we were driving above the clouds at some points, and that some of the land were mountains in the sky. AMAZING! If capturing it with photography would have done it justice I would have.
It's ridiculously late, and I keep saying I'm going to go to bed early. ha! fat chance.
Love you all, really, I do.
(oh, and my mom has eye lid surgery tomorrow, and my Uncle Jim isn't doing so well.)
Monday, June 16, 2008
So right now I have 2 girls that are trying to get out of studying: The exchange follows...
Them: Why do we have to study?
Me: My mom made me study a little bit every day in the summer, so that’s a value important to me.
Them: You need to get an appointment with a psychologist, b/c the psych says that parents who make their children do things b/c their parents made THEM do things must have been traumatized during their childhood.
Them: Are you sure we have to study 4 whole hours?
Me: Yes
Them: Well, when I get to heaven God’s gonna say, what did you do with your time on earth, and I’m only going to be able to say, “just studying, nothing else!” Do you want that to be your fault? Life’s short!
I’ve been back in Mexico about a week now. And it’s been a mostly cloudy week. It’s really a big tease, all the clouds but never any rain.
C—got her second hearing aide on Thursday!!! That was a lot of fun. She wears them both at the same time, one in each ear.
Jacob taught me how to drive standard last week. I still think it’s scary to go from neutral to 1st, and I can’t imagine parallel parking in a standard.
Danielle’s homemade pesto is soooo good. I should learn how to make it. I suppose it wouldn’t be that hard.
If I can have grace for others, and recognize that I’m no better than them, then life would be much smoother. I’m trying to work on that. Just like Paul called himself the chief of sinners I can't forget that I have had moments of laziness, flirting, lying, etc. I just need to love and forgive and guide in the right direction and not be prideful about NOT being that way.
A woman and her husband are visiting Mexico for 2 months, trying to plug into ministry opportunities. The woman, Liz, was telling me that she had free time, and was curious if we needed anything. It turned out she sews!!! Johanne had 3 dresses to make for graduation and things, so they’ve already knocked out two of them ☺ That was a really big blessing.
It’s 6th grade graduation next week, so two of my girls have learned the waltz, but they won't show me!! I have three girls graduating 6th grade! yay! One of them is graduating from a "special" school, so we are thinking about putting her in regular 2nd or 3rd grade, since she finally has hearing aides in both ears and could learn her basics. Her special school has offered vocational training (cooking) and speech therapy, so that's a possibility as well. It'll be a tough decision.
My house smells gross, which is probably entirely my fault. I put out a bunch of mouse poison and now it smells like dead animals. It/they probably died in the walls, so we just have to wait it out, eh?
Lunch is ready, so this is me jetting.
Them: Why do we have to study?
Me: My mom made me study a little bit every day in the summer, so that’s a value important to me.
Them: You need to get an appointment with a psychologist, b/c the psych says that parents who make their children do things b/c their parents made THEM do things must have been traumatized during their childhood.
Them: Are you sure we have to study 4 whole hours?
Me: Yes
Them: Well, when I get to heaven God’s gonna say, what did you do with your time on earth, and I’m only going to be able to say, “just studying, nothing else!” Do you want that to be your fault? Life’s short!
I’ve been back in Mexico about a week now. And it’s been a mostly cloudy week. It’s really a big tease, all the clouds but never any rain.
C—got her second hearing aide on Thursday!!! That was a lot of fun. She wears them both at the same time, one in each ear.
Jacob taught me how to drive standard last week. I still think it’s scary to go from neutral to 1st, and I can’t imagine parallel parking in a standard.
Danielle’s homemade pesto is soooo good. I should learn how to make it. I suppose it wouldn’t be that hard.
If I can have grace for others, and recognize that I’m no better than them, then life would be much smoother. I’m trying to work on that. Just like Paul called himself the chief of sinners I can't forget that I have had moments of laziness, flirting, lying, etc. I just need to love and forgive and guide in the right direction and not be prideful about NOT being that way.
A woman and her husband are visiting Mexico for 2 months, trying to plug into ministry opportunities. The woman, Liz, was telling me that she had free time, and was curious if we needed anything. It turned out she sews!!! Johanne had 3 dresses to make for graduation and things, so they’ve already knocked out two of them ☺ That was a really big blessing.
It’s 6th grade graduation next week, so two of my girls have learned the waltz, but they won't show me!! I have three girls graduating 6th grade! yay! One of them is graduating from a "special" school, so we are thinking about putting her in regular 2nd or 3rd grade, since she finally has hearing aides in both ears and could learn her basics. Her special school has offered vocational training (cooking) and speech therapy, so that's a possibility as well. It'll be a tough decision.
My house smells gross, which is probably entirely my fault. I put out a bunch of mouse poison and now it smells like dead animals. It/they probably died in the walls, so we just have to wait it out, eh?
Lunch is ready, so this is me jetting.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
a little potpourri
Things I enjoyed in the ol' USA that I miss in Mexico.
-The smell of warm rain, impending summer thundershowers.
-Asphalt to drive on!!!!!!!!!!! that was so fun!!!! (unfortunately I haven't gotten used to driving SLOW again)
-how beautifully green it was :)
-my friends and family
Something that scared the CRAP out of me in Mexico.
-driving in the rain, driving in heavy rain. I hadn't done that in more than 6 months and it was super scary.
a hard part of the flight back to San Diego was sitting next to a brother and sister. They were both grown ups (read: my age) and treated each other like my brother and I do. My favorite part of their conversation was when she was eating out of his bag of something, and he was like "don't take all the good ones. You get what you grab." hehe.
Yesterday I saw a regular Nissan truck with a cap on it FUUULLLLLL of dead chickens. very full. definitely not a sight I expected to see.
I do think translating/interpreting is in my future. as well as library work. I'm not sure how they go together, but I'm thinking.
I have 6 girls now, in case ya'll didn't know. And it's much crazier with 6, but still delightful. One of them is very clean and mature, and I'm hoping it rubs off on the other girls naturally. Some of them have weekly appts with the psychologist, but they are always trying to get out of it! I don't understand not wanting to accept help.
My "deaf" girl is improving improving improving in speech with her hearing aide! I'm excited to take her to get one for the other ear, now we just need to make an appt.
Since we don't have school this summer we are hoping to fill their time with enough good activities that they are not idle and "bored" (oh do I hate that word! I'm never bored! and cannot sympathize with people who are.) We have some service activities planned, and hopefully will be able to fill our time with fun stuff too. This will involve other people who are willing to work with us, and let us help them out. I don't want to be a hinderance, or a headache to them.
I have to make a new chore list to more evenly divide our work. that's something I DON'T want to do, but it is necessary.
time to get to work!
(oh, and if you want to keep your eyes and ears open for people that would want to work with me/us down here that would be great. The woman that cared for my kids on my time off has went back home, so I need another helper! or even someone to replace me when I eventually leave. thx.)
oh, P.S. and I'm really enjoying The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis.
edit: 11:35 am. soooooooooooooo.
we just had bible time. It was tough with 6 giggly girls. what an adventure. It took us like an hour and a half to do what should take half an hour they were so giggly.
One of my girls, J, just learned to read in the last year, but the two new girls we got are advanced readers. So now she's ashamed to read in front of them. sigh.
and it's also cool to be "emo" now. so I need to figure out how to handle it without making it a big deal.
Last but not least, the girls really enjoyed reading Ephesians 6. "Parents, don't provoke your children to anger." They told me, oh, listen up, this is for you! so helpful of them :) I think I did that when I was young also, so children are children where ever you are, eh?
-The smell of warm rain, impending summer thundershowers.
-Asphalt to drive on!!!!!!!!!!! that was so fun!!!! (unfortunately I haven't gotten used to driving SLOW again)
-how beautifully green it was :)
-my friends and family
Something that scared the CRAP out of me in Mexico.
-driving in the rain, driving in heavy rain. I hadn't done that in more than 6 months and it was super scary.
a hard part of the flight back to San Diego was sitting next to a brother and sister. They were both grown ups (read: my age) and treated each other like my brother and I do. My favorite part of their conversation was when she was eating out of his bag of something, and he was like "don't take all the good ones. You get what you grab." hehe.
Yesterday I saw a regular Nissan truck with a cap on it FUUULLLLLL of dead chickens. very full. definitely not a sight I expected to see.
I do think translating/interpreting is in my future. as well as library work. I'm not sure how they go together, but I'm thinking.
I have 6 girls now, in case ya'll didn't know. And it's much crazier with 6, but still delightful. One of them is very clean and mature, and I'm hoping it rubs off on the other girls naturally. Some of them have weekly appts with the psychologist, but they are always trying to get out of it! I don't understand not wanting to accept help.
My "deaf" girl is improving improving improving in speech with her hearing aide! I'm excited to take her to get one for the other ear, now we just need to make an appt.
Since we don't have school this summer we are hoping to fill their time with enough good activities that they are not idle and "bored" (oh do I hate that word! I'm never bored! and cannot sympathize with people who are.) We have some service activities planned, and hopefully will be able to fill our time with fun stuff too. This will involve other people who are willing to work with us, and let us help them out. I don't want to be a hinderance, or a headache to them.
I have to make a new chore list to more evenly divide our work. that's something I DON'T want to do, but it is necessary.
time to get to work!
(oh, and if you want to keep your eyes and ears open for people that would want to work with me/us down here that would be great. The woman that cared for my kids on my time off has went back home, so I need another helper! or even someone to replace me when I eventually leave. thx.)
oh, P.S. and I'm really enjoying The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis.
edit: 11:35 am. soooooooooooooo.
we just had bible time. It was tough with 6 giggly girls. what an adventure. It took us like an hour and a half to do what should take half an hour they were so giggly.
One of my girls, J, just learned to read in the last year, but the two new girls we got are advanced readers. So now she's ashamed to read in front of them. sigh.
and it's also cool to be "emo" now. so I need to figure out how to handle it without making it a big deal.
Last but not least, the girls really enjoyed reading Ephesians 6. "Parents, don't provoke your children to anger." They told me, oh, listen up, this is for you! so helpful of them :) I think I did that when I was young also, so children are children where ever you are, eh?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
I write everything down except what's on my mind...
Cleveland was fun with Carrie.
I think the best part of Cleveland was eating at a restaurant where we could see our hotel from, but then spending twenty minutes trying to get to our hotel afterwards b/c the roads were confusing and under construction. :) to our credit, we had no idea we were close to our hotel. National City Bank Tower is beautiful!!!
I spent $80 on gas in the 9 days I was home!! (not counting trip to Cleveland.) So I guess I can understand everyone's complaints. I didn't even drive to a lot of places. at least it didn't seem like I was in the car a lot.
Being home was hard, I realized how much I miss my family, and possibly how materialistic I am, or how much I miss the things I own. or how much I own that I had forgotten I own. or how much I miss spending money without worrying about how much I'm spending. or how much I miss going out to eat.
I was with people 24/7 while I was home, and there were a lot of days I ate out twice (people took me out b/c they love me) so I'm pretty much sick of eating out for now.
The ride down the coast from San Diego to Mexico was beautiful as usual. I'd forgotten what a scenic drive it is.
I really enjoyed the flight, I always forget that topographers and map makers really make exact versions of our world, and thought it was beautiful that the mountains and landforms really did look like ferns and that nobody was making it up!
As tired as I was from traveling the last couple weeks and trying to catch everybody (which I didn't :( ) I was still slightly tempted when I saw an ad for Dubai, and then for Cape Town South Africa. suh-weet. sometimes I think the travel bug has stopped biting, but then sometimes I confuse myself. :)
more later. I'll be late for church if I really proof read this and add the other things I wanted to write about!
I think the best part of Cleveland was eating at a restaurant where we could see our hotel from, but then spending twenty minutes trying to get to our hotel afterwards b/c the roads were confusing and under construction. :) to our credit, we had no idea we were close to our hotel. National City Bank Tower is beautiful!!!
I spent $80 on gas in the 9 days I was home!! (not counting trip to Cleveland.) So I guess I can understand everyone's complaints. I didn't even drive to a lot of places. at least it didn't seem like I was in the car a lot.
Being home was hard, I realized how much I miss my family, and possibly how materialistic I am, or how much I miss the things I own. or how much I own that I had forgotten I own. or how much I miss spending money without worrying about how much I'm spending. or how much I miss going out to eat.
I was with people 24/7 while I was home, and there were a lot of days I ate out twice (people took me out b/c they love me) so I'm pretty much sick of eating out for now.
The ride down the coast from San Diego to Mexico was beautiful as usual. I'd forgotten what a scenic drive it is.
I really enjoyed the flight, I always forget that topographers and map makers really make exact versions of our world, and thought it was beautiful that the mountains and landforms really did look like ferns and that nobody was making it up!
As tired as I was from traveling the last couple weeks and trying to catch everybody (which I didn't :( ) I was still slightly tempted when I saw an ad for Dubai, and then for Cape Town South Africa. suh-weet. sometimes I think the travel bug has stopped biting, but then sometimes I confuse myself. :)
more later. I'll be late for church if I really proof read this and add the other things I wanted to write about!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
so Carrie graduated last Friday, yay!
I had always wanted to take her to France upon graduation, so we're going to ....
drum roll please!
Cleveland. (I have less time and money than before. thus the SLIGHT change in plans.)
...then I fly back to Mexico on Friday.
It's been a slightly hectic visit.
But still good.
Hopefully, if you read this, I've seen you in the last week and a half.
(I've also seen my eye doctor, dentist, and general practitioner.)
more to come when I have more time.
(oh, and I got a new 17 year old while I was home, can't wait to meet her! Sounds like she wants to learn how to play piano...)
I had always wanted to take her to France upon graduation, so we're going to ....
drum roll please!
Cleveland. (I have less time and money than before. thus the SLIGHT change in plans.)
...then I fly back to Mexico on Friday.
It's been a slightly hectic visit.
But still good.
Hopefully, if you read this, I've seen you in the last week and a half.
(I've also seen my eye doctor, dentist, and general practitioner.)
more to come when I have more time.
(oh, and I got a new 17 year old while I was home, can't wait to meet her! Sounds like she wants to learn how to play piano...)
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