

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

makin' it quick

I've just cleared out the chaos that was my room.
I had printed a lot of photos while I was home at Wal-Mart, and one of the girls asked to see them.
I had planned to distribute them fairly, put them in a large frame in our house, etc.
But it turned into photos all OVER the floor, with multiple people saying "can I have this one, I want this one" all at once.
Not exactly how I imagined things happening, but they rarely do with this bunch.
In the end we had a chat about body image and loving ourselves, which was good.

(they love hanging out in my room, I wish I understood!)

I bought a book recently (Letters to My Son by Kent Nerburn) and when I opened it up there was a dedication to a "son" from his loving "mother." If only she knew what he did with the book she had so lovingly written in. tsk. tsk.

Here, if you wanna be the coolest kid on the block, you tint your windows (which they are in the process of unlegalizing), change your rims, and play very loud hip hop music. Did I say hip hop music???? I meant Mariachi music. dur. I live in Mexico.

The US did something to the Diesel here, or so I hear. At every gas station there seem to be semis waiting for gas. This past week was the worst from what I can tell, it's a shortage. But the gas I buy is at 2.80 a gallon, which is really fabulous.

When I walk in the room and the girls are talking about something they don't want me to hear they say "hallelujah" or start singing a random song. It's SOOO obvious. but SOOOO cute.

We got a new girl today, apparently, she's only supposed to be here a week. But that's what they say for every child they drop off. Wednesday, two of my girls graduate 6th grade (one of them being J), and it was my understanding that J was going back to her family, but maybe not now. Except that we accepted this new girl thinking we might put her in J's spot when she leaves "Wednesday." It's going to take some rearranging, but it'll work out. I don't care if J stays or if she goes. I think it would be better for her if she stays, but I also don't want her to be living in limbo, always thinking she might be taken away from us any day. I'm kind of stressed out about it. Anyways, pray that something happens one way or the other, and that if she goes home that she can handle it and can avoid doing things she shouldn't. (I think she's broken out in hives at the thought of going home, but I can't be for sure that that is the cause)

The girls broke my door while I was away on my two days off. Someone else was taking care of them, and they asked to go in my room and she said no and left the house (she was in the yard or laundry, but still close by) so they tried to break in with screw drivers and such. The funniest part of all of this is that they only got my door stuck, not open. But when I came home and wanted to go to bed, I couldn't. Even with my keys I couldn't open my door as it was jammed good. It took Steve like 1.75 hours to open my door, and now it doesn't lock. I mostly trust them,( they were trying to break in to get suckers I was keeping for them in my closet so they don't eat them in the middle of the night and sound like rats- see an earlier post that really did happen), but am trying not to be annoyed as one of my girls took it upon herself to go in my room and tidy it up today. She closed my windows, put my shoes and trash bag under my bed(gross! I had it by the door to remind myself to put it in the trash trailer, she said she put it under my bed b/c it smelled, last time I checked I don't want smelly things under my bed), and put away my clothes out of my laundry basket. Nothing is missing, but I was really upset with her. I know she was honestly trying to be helpful, and that's why I had to restrain myself and let it go. But I asked her to not do it again...

I am trying to keep my room extra clean as it was invaded by ants. I've sprayed them and taken the goodies out, but they still wonder in, one or two at a time and BITE me. It doesn't feel good.

The weather here is great right now. Not to hot, not to cold, but fairly foggy.

I got the chance to go to California last weekend, and on our way there, there was so much fog it seemed like we were driving above the clouds at some points, and that some of the land were mountains in the sky. AMAZING! If capturing it with photography would have done it justice I would have.

It's ridiculously late, and I keep saying I'm going to go to bed early. ha! fat chance.

Love you all, really, I do.

(oh, and my mom has eye lid surgery tomorrow, and my Uncle Jim isn't doing so well.)

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