

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

carmel-y wafer cookies!

Tomorrow (Wednesday) Pastor Steve (not the dad at my house, but another in our organization) will be having a PSA. Whatever it stands for, it will determine whether he has prostate cancer surgery on Friday. Please be in prayer for him and his wife Kathy while they go through his second major health problem this year (this is the same Steve that had heart surgery).

I’ve had several little blessings recently. I was telling my friend Danielle about how I wanted stroopwaffles so bad, and how I almost buy the fake Mexican thing “Obleas”* that seem to be the same, and she said, “Do you want some, I have some in my room?” and there was a whole package of real European (Holandish? Sweedish?) stroopwaffles. (I thought of you Brigitta!)

Also, right when I was leaving to go grocery shopping last week, two people that visit us about once a month came over. They come from California, not sure where, and usually they come in the afternoon, but they came at 8:15 in the MORNING!! With 30 dozen eggs (that we’ve almost ate all of), 3 coolers of meat/frozen foods (I can cook hot dogs!), and all kinds of other things… I spent about half of what I normally do at the grocery! I had told my girls we were leaving at 8:15 sharp, and they enjoyed asking me repeatedly why we hadn’t left yet, wasn’t I ready? ;) while we were putting the food into the freezer.

Last week the night air smelled like rain, or ions, however you want to think of it. It didn’t rain, it just smelled like rain. I adore the smell of rain. Rain is a pleasure we don’t have here, except maybe a dozen times a year, usually all in Dec/Jan. All the benefit without the mess. It has gotten chilly here. It was hot when I first came 3 weeks ago…but I do have to say that I still wear long shorts and long sleeves. I am always reminded that I live in a desert when I covet after a neighbors grass. “wow, they have grass, that is sooo cool! They must not let their kids/animals play on it!”

My friend Hannah has been graciously bringing me chocolate, watching my kids in the afternoons, AND letting me beat her in Canasta. ☺

Playing scrabble in Spanish is hard, but being bilingual gives me more reasons to whine… “these letters would be AMAZING if we were playing in Spanish/English, but I can’t think of any good English/Spanish words to make.” I’ve decided to only play Spanish scrabble when I’m in a very academic mood.

*”Oblea” just means wafer in Spanish, but I can only think of the word Oblation and therefore religious ceremony/Communion. Their name incapacitates me from thinking of them as just a fun food item. I like how words can have so many nuances of meaning.

ok, back to thinking about putting my clean clothes away, when I might make time to finish reading a book this week, and whether keeping an early bed time makes me nicer the next day or not. (I did finish 21 Ballons,a delightful childrens book, the short story of The Curious Case of Benjamen Button, and Yancy's The Jesus I never knew..I'm working on The Divine Conspiracy)

oh! and today I found Herbal Essences 2x1, and at a cheaper price than in the states....usually it's more expensive, and I've never seen any "deals". We don't have coupons. They don't exist, and even when I tried to redeem some on the outside of tortilla packages, (buy 4 get one free) the store said, "No, we don't do that."

1 comment:

The Mind of Sue said...

is "unique" a nice way of saying I'm a crazy person?


how did you eat 30 dozen eggs? How many people are there?