

Friday, February 20, 2009

nice things that make me happy...

Today, I’m heading 7 hours south of here for the weekend to go whale watching (with a friend, or two?). Apparently there are like 400 whales in Guerrero Negro right now. There is a big bay, and it is a popular calving area for the whales. I’m sooooooo excited! It will be the first time I’ve really traveled in Mexico WITHOUT my girls. I need to remember to borrow some binoculars, but apparently they come right up to the boat (it’s a small fisherman’s boat, not a big cruiser!)
It will be 80 degrees (but I don’t think there is a beach to lay on, they take salt out of the sea, and have lots of fishing, it’s an industrial area, not very touristy.) and if you recall, I use my computer while it’s charging just to warm up a bit! I wanted to “camp” but we don’t really have a small tent, and we’re taking a bus down, not our own vehicle, so I can’t imagine taking the gear with us, and I also can’t imagine just leaving our sleeping bags at our campsite without a tent. I hope we’ve found a cheap hotel, that is clean. I LOVE nature.

Last week I found an old hymnal, not a really old hymnal, actually, I found the hymnal my church switched to maybe in 1990? I'm a sucker for reminiscing... It has hymns in it, but also those Twila Paris, Michael W. Smith songs that bridged the gap between hymns and choruses as (some) churches transitioned. I haven’t heard many of the songs since the early 90’s, so it was great to find. Plus it has parts of The Messiah in it, so I’ve had fun with that. I like the nice surprises in our donations. I also found an old Lutheran Hymnal, in new binding. The earliest date in it’s table of Easter Sundays is 1941. That’s a stinking early date! And the only clue to it’s age that I could find. It was bound in Minnesota.

In shopping for V-day surprises (I made the kids cupcakes) I found some imitation American candy. Things that have similar logo, but are definitely not the real thing. I bought the fake Milky Way bars, called Winky (and HALF the price!!) but they must still be working on perfecting the secret recipe (I tasted coconut, there is NO coconut in a real Milky Way)…It was still a fabulous surprise!

On the kids cupcakes I sprinkled already dyed sugar that I had bought at the store for one dollar. I hadn’t ever bought it before, or tasted it, turns out it’s a sweet/sour/salty/chile candy. I wouldn’t want it on my cupcake, but I know the kids loved it! It comes in these little plastic cups you might give a patient in the hospital with their pills in it, the size of those cough syrup cups, plastic on top, held on with rubber bands, with little pieces of paper inside the containers...crookedly cut, but graced with drawings of disney characters. Daisy's bow was half cut off on one, and on another the piece is 98% white, with the slightest hint on the edge that a drawing was intended for the piece of paper. Almost like a kindergartner, or someone less skilled, was in charge of the cutting out process. (and it was only a dollar for 30 little packages?)

We always have guests at our house, and I only made 24 cupcakes, so several people didn’t get any, and I felt bad, next time I’ll make extra just in case. (and I burned them on the bottom, while they were undercooked in the middle, but Eli’s boyfriend approved and told me he wanted to marry me! Haha.)

For V-day, Johanne and Steve got me a towel set! 2 body towels, 2 face towels, 2 wash clothes. So thoughtful. She hadn’t been here in 3 weeks b/c she was helping out her daughter-in-law have her 3rd baby. When she was gone, you could tell the kids missed her and needed her. It seemed like they got sick easier, whined more, seemed more insecure…She gives them so much more love than I do, I've realized I just try to provide for their education, and nutrition. She said, I hope it all fits in your suitcase on your way back!


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