

Monday, February 23, 2009

Lady Things- Earrings, and Razors. (Hope)

My mom and Dad got me earrings for my birthday. Really cute black ones. And I’ve already LOST ONE. I wore them not even 12 hours. b/c I am the queen of losing things, but especially earrings. I’ve always been bad with jewelry and once suggested to some friends that I should never own real diamonds, but they said, “one day, you will and you won’t lost them.” Although in my defense, kids are always jumping up for piggy back rides, or hugs, and I usually lose those dangly ones without backs.

While I was home I was lamenting a certain pair of rectangle turquoise earrings, but after going through my mom’s jewelry, like every good daughter does, I found the exact pair. It was then I remembered that she had complimented mine and I’d bought her a pair. She has since generously given me that pair. Not a bad insurance policy if I could afford buying two pairs every time I get earrings.

My friend Amanda gave me a pair of earrings from Chile, made of blown glass and copper, I lost them, along with another pair, big red ones that I had bought in Costa Rica. I knew I hadn’t lost them, just misplaced them. They were gone a good 6 months before I found them again. They were hiding in my suitcase where they’d been since I had last used it, even though I had searched through it better and with more passion than a dog trained to find drugs.

So I suppose, it’s with all confidence that I say my black earring will be restored to me, as soon as I shake out my sheets, go through my dirty laundry, show every child in the house the remaining earring, use a metal detector, retrace my steps, get a hair cut, have a few sleeps, paint my nails, help kids with homework, get in and back out of the car 7 times, hunt some lady bugs, reformat my hard drive, change the oil in the car, and then give up. When all hope is gone, and I’ve forgotten I’m looking for it, it will turn up, and make my day all the better. It's totally worth it to worry more about people than objects, and I LOSE THAT thought all the time. Help me repent. I just wrote three paragraphs about things and not people.

P.S. I saw ten razors for a dollar at the store and thought! Wow, what a deal. So I bought them for the girls (and I) but after using one realized the blades aren’t straight and neither is the plastic part, and that they generally don’t work. Sigh.

(this is my 100th post about Mexico)

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