

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

She had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible...

Recently we’ve run out of syrup for pancakes. The other morning, as I was in a hurry to get one of the children out the door, I handed them a gigantic gallon of syrup. They were about to pour it on their pancakes as someone yelled, NO NO NO!
…I was too tired to notice I’d given them a gallon of SOY sauce.
I did a similar with pancake mix…I grabbed a big bag of white powdery stuff ready to make pancakes, only to realize that it was powdered milk. Oi-vey.

We have a new girl. Her name is S---. We got her on Tuesday of last week. She’s shy, timid, and hasn’t very readily made friends, but last time I checked you can’t force teenagers to be friends with one another…maybe I can work on some bribes? We’ll see. She’s really nice it seems (although, it’s the honeymoon stage). I read her psychological report, and it made me grouchy, because her description (which the psych found troubling, and something that pointed out many flaws in her) is exactly how I would describe the common teenager, specific species being a GIRL. The psych also says it's a "fantasy" to want to be reunited with your family. whatev.

It’s late, and I have a headache. I’ll try to write about the weekend tomorrow.

P.S. We watched Hi-tops tonite!!!!!!! That was definitely a highlight of the birthday celebrations that went on ALL stinking weekend.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

That's it. No more birthday festivities for you. It's my turn!