I’ve spent a LOT of time in the car. I didn’t drive too many places in Mexico, just maybe the grocery store, but even my shortest commute here (12 minutes) is 6 times as long as my longer commutes in Mexico. You waste a lot less time when everyone and everything is near you. Although, my grocery store is MUCH closer to me here than the grocery store I went to in Mexico. I’ve enjoyed driving in the car, listening to music, passed people on a MULTI-lane highway. At first I was nervous to drive a car and not a truck/suv/giganto passenger van, but I’m used to it again.
I really enjoy driving with the windows down and not worrying about the dust! I also love going more than 50 miles an hour ☺ I don’t love getting my own gas at the station. It seems so undignified after staying in my car at my leisure simply choosing red or green and telling the attendant how much I wanted in my car. But I do love not worrying about having CASH to make all my purchases.
I always would have a certain amount of money, and if I spent more on groceries than I planned, or on gas than I planned I would be short for the other errands I had to run, until I went back to the house or bank to get money. Let’s clarify that I don’t charge everything now and spend billions of dollars! But that I don’t have to anticipate my expenditures before leaving the house!!!
I’ve made it to IKEA and Jungle Jim’s. I bought some tasty Twinnings Pineapple Green Tea, Rooiboos/Honeybrush Tea, Stroppewaffles, Edamame, Humus…
There are two pieces of furniture I want at IKEA, as my parents got rid of some of my furniture, and now I don’t have places for things. But I need to get rid of more stuff before I’ll have room. When? When I find time.
I’ve decided on two options for grad school. That was tough. It’s more practical to not move far away though. Now I just need to fill out apps, send in transcripts, etc. Maybe if I get a job in a library, and do that for at least a year, I could have a better possibility at an Graduate Assistantship. Actually, just having a job in the field I'm studying would be helpful.
I’ve been going to a class about the History of the Theology of Christianity. SOOO interesting, and I’m glad to be there, as it’s pulling together some of the studying I’ve done on my own over the last year. There is something in me that desires to be in "academia" or around people that discuss things that are challenging. Sunday night there was a LONG discussion about holy relics, worship of relics, worship of icons, church practice/tradition- and I mostly just listened. Maybe I'm learning about rhetoric and logic when I'm not participating. It's moment like those that make me feel at home.

Sunday, July 5, 2009
What have I been up to? MORE.
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