

Friday, May 1, 2009

Hey Tootz!

I have this memory in 2nd or 3rd grade of a little boy calling the art teacher, “Tootsie”, and then getting kicked out of class for it.
Well, yesterday one of the little boys who lives with us called his sister “Tootsie”. I was thinking, where does he learn this American slang. I was about to ask him where he’d heard the word “Tootsie” when I heard him say, “and I’m a hutu.” Then I realized he was saying “Tutsi” instead of “Tootsie.”
Of the few movies our family owns, one is Hotel Rwanda. Which is about the Hutu-Tutsi conflict. It sort of makes sense calling her a “Tutsi” b/c she is taller than him. But that’s about all the sense there is.

Yesterday was "Day of the Child." One of my kids insisted that there was a party at her school even though they've cancelled school until May 6th. Plus we were supposed to have a Beach Party today (and no school) to celebrate "Day of the Child" but that's been rescheduled because of the swine flu. This weekend is also "Labor Day- Mexico" So the kids weren't supposed to have school Monday anyways. Mexico has a ton more holidays than the U.S. I'm sure of it.

One of my girls asked how the Swine flu started. In spanish it's "influenza porcina", (can you see the word pork in there?), so when I explained that it comes from the pigs, she was all, "Oh! so that's why it's called Swine Flu." :) I can't believe she hadn't figured that out with all the media attention, and household chatting.

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