We had a costume party on Saturday for a 16th birthday party. I didn’t want to dress up b/c it was too much effort, and I knew some people had sweet outfits planned that I couldn’t compete with. I did have pearls, a full skirt, heels, and an apron, so I conceded and went as June Cleaver. There was an award for “most out of character” which the girl who went as Juno won.
I baked some cookies Tuesday, GUESSING while I worked. And I’ll give you one GUESS how they turned out…
We’d had a chiropractor and his wife visiting. I got adjusted for the first time in my life. (I also couldn’t stop laughing on the table, there were several people waiting their turn, and my inability to stop laughing made everyone else in there crack up too.)
Since I had such a nice experience I baked cookies to thank them.
Someone had rearranged all the kitchen stuff, although I had a recipe in front of me, I could only find the 2/3 cup measurement and NOTHING ELSE. (Can you quit before you start, because I definitely threatened it!!) I liberally scooped in flour, poured in vanilla , did a pinch of baking soda, and a pinch of salt- I felt pretty rebellious or reckless. I dumped in a can of crushed pineapple, (which I drained the juice off of and drank- C---- looked at me and said, “gross!” and I said, “that’s just like pop or juice that you would buy.”) I sprinkled oatmeal on top of it, and crunched some almonds in. I estimated with the sugar (white and unrefined white) and mixed.
I defrosted butter, but too well :) and not on a plate or anything, just in it's wax wrapper. M--- opened the microwave to a mess. She said, "eww, who did this?" and I got high and mighty and said, "whoever left a mess in the microwave has to clean it up." before I realized it was my mess. hehe. That was the second time I said, "I quit."
Really, my intention had been to make white chocolate chip cookies, but someone had ate them all (mysteriously, just like other food mysteriously disappears, including that sliced Provolone I brought back from the states. Granted I didn’t hide it very well.) I hadn’t noticed that we didn’t have chocolate chips until I’d already made the dough. I know I should check for all ingredients before I begin something, but the chips were there the day before! That was the third time I said, "I quit." But Hannah animated me to finish them.
After everything was stirred well, and I added another liberal amount of vanilla, I tasted the dough, which C--- once again told me was gross, and that I shouldn’t eat the dough b/c I’ll get sick. I kindly disregarded her advice and gave dough to Hannah to try.
Cooked, they came out looking like gourmet cookies, AND tasting like gourmet cookies, taste infinitely more important than looks.
So I’ll accept losing the “most out of character” award. Because only June Cleaver could make perfect cookies in such an imperfect situation, without measuring the ingredients, creatively thinking of replacement ingredients, and without breaking a sweat. ☺ Although, maybe June Cleaver wouldn't have said, "I quit" out loud, she would have only thought it and smiled convincingly.
This week would have made June Cleaver kick a puppy, so I hereby give you the 'June Cleaver can't hash this but I can' award.
Adventures in cookies are fun!
Grant says that vinyl doesn't work too well on glasses, dishes, etc., because frequent washings don't really work because frequent (and heated) t washings get under the vinyl and it starts peeling up around the edges. I asked.
And the Ashley post was a joke. My cousin had her wisdom teeth out and she thought she was going to die - she kept finding stuff on the internet about it. I wrote a funny eulogy for her.
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