

Friday, May 8, 2009

We'll even do homework we're so bored...

School was supposed to be canceled only until Thursday. Now it’s canceled until Monday ☺ This easily puts the kids at 5 weeks without school in the last 8 weeks. 2.5 weeks for pig flu, 2 weeks for Easter, and a few federal holidays/teacher meetings sprinkled in for good measure. Kids really need a schedule. And so do Moms.

We’ve tried to make things fun for the kids. They went on a little camping vacation to a water park and the mountains for 4 days, we’ve played soccer, baseball, cards, house, restaurant, kitchen. We’ve put them to work cooking and cleaning more than usual. But they are INCREDIBLY bored.

How do you know, you ask? Supernatural Mom-sense??
No. They tell me, “I’m bored.” A lot. And then look at me like I have a vaccination for boredom. Said cure would probably include unlimited shopping at the "globos" (used toys, cds, used clothes, used anything-you-can-think-of, and fresh junk food) as well as non stop movie marathons. Neither of which am I willing to provide.

I've even told them that I consider the word "bored" to be a swear. So they say it when they know I'm listening especially ;)

But the kicker Tuesday was the kids were showing me the homework they had to do from last week, legit. We worked on it, fully knowing they weren’t going back for some more time. Then the girls brought me MORE homework, and said they had forgot to tell me their teacher assigned this page, and they have to read this book and so on and so forth. Hehe. They’ve been without school so long, they’re making up their own homework. That is true desperation.

Two of the girls that I do school at home with have exams Monday night, one is taking Math, the other Civics. The civics stuff is stinking hard, I’m even having trouble helping her study for it (and more so b/c all the kids that go to public school have been home having fun!). The one taking math asked me today, “when are you going to let me stop doing math papers?” and I said, “when you pass this exam.” She didn’t know what a solar calculator was, but was given one by the gov’t to complete her math book. It didn’t have a battery in it, and the back was open (it does have a spot for back up battery if you want) and she said to me, “I can’t use this. We need to buy batteries. Why do they give me stuff that doesn’t serve its purpose?” So I said, what’s 2 times 4, She told me the answer, and I pressed the buttons. Turning the face of the calc to her face, she said, wow. She was so amazed that it worked! What a fun moment! She was really confused until I explained it was a solar calculator. She’s heard of solar power, and some families we know have it, so it made perfect sense. Steve has plans to make the new house he’s working on all solar power powered, but I think it’s gonna be a big job.

P.S. I'll be home exactly a month from today. Let's do something! ooh! and job leads, if you have any. AND they are talking to a prospective woman to take my place. we'll see!!!

1 comment:

Allison Walton said...

These are great stories. :)

Spanish teacher at VBHS? No? :)